Solo Sprayer 2022Solo 10 L back pack sprayers are a low maintenance and high performance sprayer able to cover large areas with ease.

Large filler openings are standard to ensure there is minimum spillage when filling up the large capacity tank and the low resistance pump enable to operator to apply little effort when generating pressure making this sprayer more pleasant to work with as well as reducing fatigue.

It has a diaphragm pump, a manually adjustable pressure regulator and is supplied with a 50cm long lance and a practical and comfortable to use valve lance.

The plastic container is made from UV resistant plastic and is ergonomically designed for maximum operator comfort minimising discomfort when the container is full.


Weight Kg 3.9000
Capacity 10 Litre
Sprayer Pressure 4
Wand Length 50cm
Pressure Regulator .
Dry Weight 3.9kg
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Shipping Rate: C
Order Solo 10L @ €140.00