Dicpohar Herbicide
Kills broadleaved weeds in grass.
NB: If applied, will damage roses, bedding plants and shrubs. Take care when spraying
Active Ingredients:70 g/l 2,4-D, 70 g/l MCPA, 42 g/l mecoprop-P and 20 g/l Dicamba.
Dicophar is a translocated selective herbicide which targets a wide range of turf weeds. Dicophar’s formulation allows uptake through both the leaves and the roots providing exceptional weed control. Dicophar’s powerful combination of 4 active ingredients ensures you are on target.
Dicophar Herbicide:
- Powerful combination of 4 active ingredients
- Unique selective herbicide formulation
- Ideal for all sports turf areas and lawns
- Versatile application methods
Weeds controlled by Dicophar Herbicide include: daisy, creeping thistle, creeping buttercup, ragwort, dandelion and clovers.
Dicophar Application Rates
Dicophar Herbicide is available in 1L packs and can be applied to all turf, sports and amenity grasslands and lawns from April to September when weeds are actively growing. Dicophar can be applied via a knapsack sprayer or a vehicle mounted sprayer or alternatively a watering can with medium rose.
Highly concentrated selective weedkiller for the control of difficult woody and invasive weeds in amenity areas.
Effective against Japanese Knotweed, Hogweed, Buddleia, Bramble, Thistle, Dock, Nettle, Gorse, and Willowherb.
Rainfast in 1 hour. No odour.
Can be used on embankments, in powerstations, cemetries, parklands, and golf course roughs.
Spot treatment: Use 150 -200mls per 10L water.
Apply to point of run off.
1L pack
Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive (SUD)·
After 26th November 2015, it is illegal to apply Professional Use PPPs (Plant Protection Products) unless you are registered as a PU (Professional User) with the DAFM (Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine) and have been allocated a PU No. · In the event of a DAFM inspection, you will be required to produce evidence of having completed appropriate training. You can apply for registration as a PU at any time provided you have been suitably trained – see http://www.pcs.agriculture.gov.ie/sud/sudreg/